NonStop Consulting


  • Social Work England Registration
  • Extensive Adults Social Work Experience
  • Experience of safeguarding vulnerable adults

This local authority based in Greater Manchester is seeking an experienced Social Worker to be part of Adults Locality Team. The Adult Social Care service has strong social work values and a focus on improving outcomes to vulnerable adults and their carers.

The teams consist of enthusiastic Social Workers and Social Care Assessors with a focus to provide a holistic, personalised, strength-based service to residents over the age of 18 who have physical disabilities and older people with physical and mental health disabilities.

Key aspects of the role include:

  • undertaking assessments of individual and carers needs and risks to encourage independence, provide support and prevent harm.
  • working in partnership with service users and carers using a person-centred approach, with the aim of maximising independence, well being and choice.
  • applying social work principles and values to guide professional practice and respect diversity.

For further information on the role, send your CV in a Microsoft Word format to Jessel on [email protected] or give me a ring on 0207 940 2100 Ext: 7153.

Upload your CV/resume or any other relevant file. Max. file size: 256 MB.

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