What’s happening in Bucharest?.
We opened our Bucharest office in early 2019 to utilise the amazing talent in Romania and help deliver on large client accounts we’ve brought into the business, particularly with temporary staffing solutions, or contracting. In the few years since this office opened, we’ve seen revenue from this area double and this has fuelled the career progression of our employees.
Want to start your NonStop journey here? Then help our Talent Acquisition team prioritise your application by clicking the button below to take a simple online test (this ensures our hiring process is bias free!)
Role of a recruiter.
What is searching & account management?
Discover what it means to be a Search Specialist and the meaning of account management in this short introductory video. The career path available for this type of ‘180 recruitment’ role is laid out below.
watch now
Career path.

You’ll start your journey as a Search Specialist in training upon being hired at NonStop. This is when you’ll learn the basics of how to resource for roles with some of the leading industry players in the life sciences sector. Once the training is completed, you’ll be considered ‘out of training’ and be eligible for a target that will increase your salary (more on this in the rewards section).
Once you’ve hit two consecutive green quarters you’ll be promoted to Senior Search Specialist, which also means a salary increase and access to more rewards. Hitting green for four quarters consistently or two gold quarters will make you eligible for promotion to Search Team Leader where you’ll enter our management training program!

Here is an overview of the salary and rewards on offer for each career step available within our Bucharest office! Additional rewards that are unlocked include greater lifestyle rewards, about which more detail can be found in the ‘rewards’ page, not to mention management bonus’ at more senior levels.
Search Specialists have access to the full commission outlined below once they are promoted to ‘full commission’, before then they have access to it at 50% reduction and during the training period a placement bonus.

Commission is earned on a monthly basis based on the amount of billings generated (billings refer to when the client pays the fee for our services and the money comes into the business).
The higher the billings in a month, the more commission is earned (without an upper limit)! The colours represent the performance level for the amount of billings in a month – red being the worst, amber OK, green is good and gold the best! (these change depending on seniority so we have included an overall average).
Above we have calculated the annual on-target-earnings (OTE) for a recruiter who hits the minimum threshold for green performance on average (£10,000 per month) which is £24,000 in commission each year. Those on the 180 Search Specialist path should calculate 70% of these OTE earnings to reflect the fact they split commission with those pulling in the vacancies to work.
Hitting the upper green threshold (£20,000 per month) would mean £48,000 in commission per year and if someone hit £30,000 in billings per quarter on average, that would mean £84,000 in commission in a year. After 2 years in the business, 30% earn more than £100,000, 50% more than £85,000, 80% more than £50,000.